• Communications, ways to interact with others

    I would like to quote the definition of communication from the famous Merriam Webster, as reference. It is defined as: a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior, also : exchange of information. Wow! It is basically everything. We exchange information everyday, every hour, every minute that involve individual(s)! Then I thought, even by being silent, it is as well a way to communicate. Homo homini socius, this term is true though. Yes, we need to interact with other individuals. What a great way of this era that this time allows us to interact with other in instance with others from other part…

  • Consulting, what does it mean?

    I checked the definition of consulting on Merriam Webster. It stated that, consulting: providing professional or expert advice (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/consulting). And, expert is defined as: having, involving, or displaying special skill or knowledge derived from training or experience (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/expert). To be honest, it is a huge fields, to my view. There are so many expertise in this world in different degrees, influenced by so many factors. Even in one particular expertise, we might find varieties of specialties. Therefore, if you had a certain education or training, and you are good at what you do that can help others, basically you can deliver your services as a consultant. However, there are so many factors…

  • Communicator, a connector

    Sometimes we need help or support to be able to get in contact or communicate with others, either as individuals or organizations. There are different reasons we need a help or support. These could be due to differences in languages, cultures, regulations, systems, etc. For these reasons, a support from communicator or connector for individuals or organizations, would ease the processes in our business activities. It is essentials for business communicator or connector to understand and well informed about the business needs of their clients. Business Communicators may specialized in certain industry branches or themes. Since, these may ease the communications. However, you may become generalist communicator, as long as…